
Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Philosophy is my Cup of Tea

What's my Connection? 

When I look at the universe I think of it as an organic whole, which human nature being fundamentally virtuous. I am a follower of the Hindu religion but I also believe that at the core of every religion there is truth (satya), non-violence (ahimsa) and the Golden Rule. I am also a devoted idealist and believe that reality as we know it is fundamentally mental and immaterial. I strongly believe that it is human ideas – including beliefs and values – which shape society. Being an idealist, which is a doctrine of ontology, I believe that all entities are composed of mind and spirit. 

Many have also taken an interest in “Gandhism,” which is a religion based on my own beliefs and personal philosophy. It is a collection of ideas and principles which represent my vision and life work, although I personally do not agree with it:
“There is no such thing as "Gandhism," and I do not want to leave any sect after me. I do not claim to have originated any new principle or doctrine. I have simply tried in my own way to apply the eternal truths to our daily life and problems...The opinions I have formed and the conclusions I have arrived at are not final. I may change them tomorrow. I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and non-violence are as old as the hills.”

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